1 03, 2022
  • Branding

Tips to Improve Your Branding for Small Businss

By |2022-03-04T12:33:21-07:00March 1st, 2022|

Branding is a vital part of any marketing strategy because it gives people something to get to know and connect with. It is the creation of a clear and unique image of your company or product that your audience can recognize. Whether they are seeing an ad from your company, a social media post, a newsletter, or products on your website, your branding should all be uniform. Branding can be hard. When you start thinking about your branding strategy, you should think about what your mission is, your values, your preferred audience, and what style best fits your brand. Here [...]

1 05, 2021
  • Branding

The Dos and Don’ts of Branding

By |2021-05-03T12:05:11-07:00May 1st, 2021|

Branding is a crucial part of your business, but branding is not always easy. Your brand is the face that your business shows the world; it encourages your customers to buy your services and products, helps you connect with people in your industry, and more.  There are many things that get factored into your branding, from the font you use on your website to the colors you use in your logo and more. Here, we will examine some of the most important dos and don'ts of branding.  Do: Make Your Design Specific The coloring for your brand and logo is [...]

1 04, 2021
  • Brand Identity Colors

How to Choose Colors for Your Brand Identity

By |2021-04-30T11:26:13-07:00April 1st, 2021|

Color or the absence of color is vital to your brand identity and what you put forth about business. When you see a grouping of colors that are perfectly coordinated, in tune with the surroundings, and emit a deeper feeling, you begin to understand why that business chose those colors. To convey something incredible and unique. The colors you have chosen to incorporate for your brand identity represent your product, your style, the clientele you attract, and an overall synopsis of the brand. This happens before you even have a chance to say a word. Are you trying to emit [...]

1 03, 2021
  • YouTube video descriptions

Tips for Writing Better YouTube Descriptions

By |2021-03-01T10:37:42-07:00March 1st, 2021|

With so little space to optimize your videos, writing a good YouTube description can be difficult. When scrolling through YouTube, the covers and titles are generally what get your attention at first, but if you want to optimize your YouTube videos, the descriptions are where you need to focus your search engine optimization (SEO). This is why having a well-written description is important; it is one of the only places you can add keywords for your optimization.  When you look something up on Google, it often shows some related YouTube videos, which is why your YouTube descriptions matter so much. [...]

23 03, 2016

How Social Media can be Effective Business Branding and Marketing Tool

By |2020-04-12T18:40:07-07:00March 23rd, 2016|

Business executives and branding experts often ask why they should utilize social media as a tool for business branding and marketing. Traditional marketing efforts with the use of radio, television and newspaper ads are consistently giving ever smaller returns on the investment. Now is the time for a new way of thinking and strategizing. Here are four main reasons why you should seriously consider implementing a social media strategy for your business. Establish Your Brand Let us say your company has an event coming up. Normally, you place a few traditional ads and hope for the best at that event. Some people may show [...]